
Fresh Ideas for Preaching, Worship & Evangelism is unavailable, but you can change that!

What’s the best way to plan—and space—a sermon series? Is there and honest way to plagiarize? (Yes!) How can a mood of expectancy be set for a worship service? What do you do about weak congregational singing? What are five keys to genuine excitement about missions? Can visitation be less scary? (Yes!) Here are hundreds of innovative solutions from churches all across the United States and...

Telling people to be thankful is a bit like requesting a kiss. If you have to ask for it, it usually isn’t worth getting. Gratitude—and affection—lose something unless they’re freely given. But thanks to a bit of creativity and whimsy, Pastor Dean Ryder of First Baptist Church in Newfane, New York, was able to encourage people to be thankful—freely, voluntarily, and spontaneously. The method was a reverse offering. One Sunday the offering plates were loaded with envelopes,
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